DeafDigest - 14 October 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 14, 2021 -- the clean-up A deaf person, part of a clean-up crew in his home town after a hurricane, felt it was an opportunity for him to find employment once the cleaning up is done. He may find employment if employers notice him outperforming hearing people in the clean up crew.   -- a surprise cousin Helen Keller had a future cousin, a surprise, that is deaf. It is Millicent Simmonds, the actress with the “A Quiet Place” film, is a distant cousin of Keller, though few generations apart. And to make things more interesting, she is playing a deaf-blind role in the upcoming film - Helen & Teacher. Should the casting director have cast a deaf-blind address instead of a fully-sighted deaf actress?    -- the NIH priority The National Institutes of Health has a new priority with the deaf - to make sure cancer health is taught in the Deaf Community.   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/10/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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