DeafDigest - 14 September 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 14, 2011

-- Comparing interpreter, notetaker and CART in a class

A professor said:
My red sporty car is parked on the north side of 4th Avenue street.

The interpreter signed:
My car is parked on the street.

The Notetaker wrote:
My red car is parked on 4th Avenue.

The CART typed:
My red sport car is parked on the north side of 4th Avenue street.

The exam question asks:
1) What kind of vehicle is it? (commercial, economy, sporty, etc.)
2) Which side of street is the vehicle parked at? (west, north, south, east)
3) What color is the vehicle?

So, which is best - interpreter or notetaker or CART???????

-- Shutting down South Dakota SD led to shortage of interpreters

The state shut down South Dakota School for the Deaf, saying it
was not economically feasible to have it continued. As a result
of the state's decision, there is a serious shortage of interpreters
in students' home town school districts. If the school remained
open and was allowed to thrive, then there would be no unexpected
demand of interpreters. A news story said there are just 88 registered
interpreters in the state. The state is hoping that interpreter
training programs will help reduce the shortage. But will it? 

-- A "dumb" professor at University of Montana

A hearing professor at University of Montana did not understand
what ADA was all about. He had a deaf student in his class; he made
arrangements to hire an interpreter. In many cases, hiring an
interpreter is the right thing to do - but in that "dumb"
professor's case, it was wrong. Why? Because that student was
an oralist and did not know ASL! He could have given that student
a choice - an interpreter or a CART, but went ahead and hired
an interpreter!  This complaint was posted in a student

-- The deaf as the Biggest Loser

Many Americans are overweight, the deaf included. But a deaf man,
Danny Cahill, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, is the Biggest Deaf Loser.
He has lost nearly 240 pounds to win the Biggest Loser, Season Eight.
He has also become a featured speaker at various events in Oklahoma.

-- iTunes to offer more captions

What is an iTunes? Apple offers that feature for downloading
music, TV programs, movies, book purchase procedures, etc. Deaf
people complained that iTunes did not show captions. But recently
we are seeing more captions on iTunes - programs such as Sons of
Anarchy, New Girl, The Secret Circle are now captioned. Keep in
mind, the producers can only show captions, not Apple itself.  

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