DeafDigest - 14 September 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 14, 2015 morning -- father of a deaf child lost a lawsuit In Maldives, one of the smallest nations in the world, a father filed a malpractice lawsuit because his daughter became deaf after getting a shot. This lawsuit dragged on for six years, going back and forth between higher and lower courts. This time the decision is final. The court said: Though the girl had lost her hearing as a direct result of the injection, the doctors had not been at fault. The evidence shows that the injection had been administered as per normal procedure This case involved testimonies from the medical experts, nurses and the doctor   -- no one told the deaf boxer to stop after the bell there was a story about Kid Savage, a deaf figher, in 1964. The referee was supposed to tap him on the shoulder, telling him the bell rang and for him to go back to his corner. In that bout, the referee didn't, and the deaf boxer continued to hit the opponent even when he went to his corner. The floored hearing boxer got up and went crazy and pummeled Kid Savage. The deaf boxer went down and never got up and the bout ended, even though it was after the end of the round!   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   9/13/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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