DeafDigest - 14 September 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 14, 2017   -- baby born in amazing way for deaf parents Caroline Wilson, a deaf woman, was expecting a baby. She suddenly went into labor, and her deaf husband Jamie, tried to rush her to the hospital. It was too late; they had to pull over to a gas station to contact the wife's sister via Facetime. The sister was able to explain how to deliver the baby with the husband's assistance. The mother and the child are now doing fine. A picture is at:   -- reason deaf hate Video Remote Interpreting Deaf people hate Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) but hospitals love it. Why do deaf people hate VRI? As explained by a deaf patient, if he does not understand medical terminology as explained by the doctor, explaining again via VRI only continues the misunderstanding. Face to face interpreting would clarify it much quicker whereas VRI may not!   -- most popular astrologist in Myanmar Myanmar, a nation in Southeast Asia, had an astrologist who was popular. It was Daw Swe Swe Win, a deaf woman. She was so popular that the nation's most important people came to her for advice and counseling. She passed away just recently.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf pageant act without music 9/10/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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