DeafDigest - 14 September 2018

-- Rock Star interpreter not on TV Jason Hurdich, a Certified Deaf Interpreter, was a sensation in South Carolina; hearing people watching him interpret governor's speeches, called him the Rock Star Interpreter. But Jason was not on TV during recent news coverage on the hurricane and some people thought he just stopped interpreting. He did not disappear, but was busy teaching ASL at Clemson University. Oh, by the way, interpreters are never Rock Stars; they are certified professionals whose duty is effective interpreting.   -- These Deaf Super Heroes A movie - Sign Gene, features Deaf Super Heroes - meaning Deaf Superman, Deaf Wonderwoman, Deaf Batman, etc. Six languages are shown in the film - ASL, Japanese SL, Italian SL as well as English, Japanese and Italian. It is said that when one watches the movie, one would think it is Deaf James Bond.   -- bad reason for no interpreter A deaf prisoner needed an interpreter. The prison official refused to give him an interpeter, insisting that written notes will do. Why did the official refuse an interpeter. He said: too much of a hassle to get an interpreter This is the reason why a law suit is going on right now.       Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Prison officer, friend of deaf, lost his job 09/09/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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