DeafDigest - 15 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 15, 2019 -- Rimac Automobiles hires a deaf engineer Croatia only has one deaf engineer - Josip Ivankovi; impressed with his grades and efforts, Rimac Automobiles has hired him; his job is to work on computers in cars. Rimac? It is considered to be one of these European "super cars." Is he the only deaf automotive engineer in the world? Do not know.           -- wheelchair is automatic response in many airports Few weeks ago, Nyle DiMarco, a very healthy, and athletic looking deaf dancer/model was offered a wheelchair at an airport. Of course, he was insulted as much as all other able-bodied deaf people would be. An advocate said that many airport personnel, immediately seeing a deaf passenger, would automatically offer wheelchairs without even thinking about it. The same goes for a waitress, upon seeing a deaf diner, offering Braille menus without even thinking about it!     -- fake-deaf film almost got into lawsuit Deaf films, or or even fake-deaf films, getting into lawsuits? Not sure if it has ever happened, but there was a lawsuit threat with one fake-deaf film. "The Silence" was accused of "copying" the "A Quiet Place" film (both Netflixes, by the way). As a result, angry "A Quiet Place" people talked of filing a lawsuit against "The Silence" people. Eventually tempers cooled; probably the Netflix people interceded, not wanting one film group to be suing another film group under its own umbrella!     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/14/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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