DeafDigest - 15 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 15, 2015 -- most popular movie is a Deaf Movie The Tribe was a popular deaf movie (with hearing audiences) filmed in Ukraine. Here is another deaf movie, already #1 in France among the hearing people - The Belier Family (or La Famille Belier in French). All of the family members are deaf, except for a hearing 16-year old girl. The movie is shown in both signs and captions. It is a comedy. see the photo at:     -- deaf competitors can be friends Competition is everywhere. Competitors can be enemies - or - they can be friends. What about Deaf Chefs? DeafDigest mentioned that deaf chef Kevin Delbert represented USA at the Deaf Chef competition in Copenhagen, Denmark. He and other deaf chefs wanted to win the top prize, and Delbert didn't. Did these deaf chefs hate each other with resentment, anger, accusations and jealousy? No, these 8 deaf chefs became friends, discussed cooking tips and exchanged recipes, etc! They also shared horrible kitchen cooking tales - good for laughs. Delbert is hoping to represent USA again at future Deaf Chef events.   -- another Starbucks drive-in with video Few weeks ago DeafDigest mentioned a Starbucks drive-in video for the deaf in St Augustine, Florida. Here is another one, possiblt the 2nd one in USA - on 20th Street in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. Hopefully before too long, all Starbucks drive-ins will have these video kiosks in USA.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 12/13/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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