DeafDigest - 15 December 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 15, 2016   -- best Holiday Season gift for young deaf children What is the best Holiday Season gift for young deaf children? Take a look at:   -- diversity forgets one thing We see the word "diversity" all the time - age, ethnicity, gender, gender orientation, wealth, poor, religion, etc. But one thing is missing - disability/deafness. People that talk about diversity almost always never mention disability/deafness. This was the argument made by a disability advocate in a blog.   -- deaf person won an election primary In Nigeria, a deaf person won a local district primary election, running for ward leader. This deaf person, representing the All Progressives Congress political party, will compete against other ward leader candidates from other parties in the upcoming general election. This is a big accomplishment in Africa, where discrimination against the deaf is everywhere.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- surprise deaf cousins 12/11/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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