DeafDigest - 15 December 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 15, 2020 -- Action-Adventure Game deaf consultant There are some deaf people hired as consultants in deaf movies in Hollywood and deaf Broadway plays. What aboutAction-Adventure Game deaf consultants? There is one - Morgan Baker. Is he a hearing person consulting on deaf accessibility needs or a deaf person doing the same kind of consulting? A google search indicated that he is deaf.   -- the mask and the hearing check-out cashiers A hearing check-out cashier at a supermarket said that she would normally smile at her customers. The mask prevents that. As a result, she says something pleasant such as "good morning" or "do have a great day" and so on. She also said that with deaf customers, this courtesy is impossible unless she removes her mask which is what her store does not allow.   -- CI and now captions, USA vs Australia Are Americans losing out on the CI business and now the captions to our friends, the Australians? This big island nation has captured the international CI market - and now this announcement today - that Caption IT and CaptionAccess, both of them American captioning rivals, have been sold to an Australian captioning company. Is it bad news for USA? Or is it a concern for us? Maybe a concern if deaf employees lose their jobs. Hope it never happens.   Deaf jobs - latest update 12/13/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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