DeafDigest - 15 February 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 15, 2012 -- Deafness was a secret with a famous TV actress Charlene Tilton, who played the role of Lucy Ewing in the famous TV series - Dallas, during the early eighties, was deaf. It was a secret with everyone. Her TV producer and director knew nothing about it. Her hearing aids were hidden in her hair. Why a secret? She was afraid she would not be hired if TV people knew of her deafness!   - An important deaf man in the Japanese court system The courts in Japan operate differently from USA. In Japan, lay judges handle non-jury court trials. They have no law degrees, but investigate the cases, study the evidence and decide if the defendants are guilty or not guilty. One lay judge, Tomaru Takayuki, is deaf and uses sign language. He has interpreters in the court room. He is Japanese's first deaf lay judge. -- New Zealand Parliament fights deaf legislator New Zealand Parliament won't pay for electronic notetaking needs for Mojo Mathers, the first deaf member of Parliament. Her party will pay but may seek legal action to get money back from the Parliament. She gave a speech, saying that Parliament speaker's attitude is wrong. New Zealand's "ADA" gives rights to the deaf. When Gary Malkowski was in Ontario's parliament, they paid for his interpreters. It is different in New Zealand. Already the New Zealand papers said the Speaker spends money on trips, art, parties, but not a penny on deaf devices!   -- A comedy about audism in a theatrical play Playwright Nina Raine, not deaf, wrote a play, "Tribes" going on now in an Australian theater. While the phrase - audism - is not mentioned in the play, it is so obvious. The play is about a deaf boy that struggles with his hearing father that wants "perfect" speech, "perfect" lipreading, "perfect" acceptance into hearing world. The deaf boy rebels and joins the Deaf Community. The father is upset. The deaf character in the comedy is deaf himself. The audience is mostly hearing and they laugh at the comedy.   -- Why was Super Bowl ASL Sing Signer ignored on TV? The list below shows ASL Sing Signers that were shown on TV in the past Super Bowls: 1993 - Marlee Matlin 1995 - Heather Whitestone 2007 - Marlee Matlin, again all others were ignored on TV It is obvious. If the signer is famous, she will be televised. If she is not famous, the TV will ignore her. Shame on these TV people for their attitude!

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