DeafDigest - 15 February 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 15, 2018   -- job safety issue - a big irony A deaf man was not able to get a factory job. Employers said it was a safety issue; that he must hear to avoid danger. He finally found a job at a health and safety services company, which tests electrical appliances and machine instruments to ensure compliance with safety standards! A picture is at:   -- discrimination lawsuit - Federal court or state agency? A deaf man faced discriminationa at a personal loan agency. They refused to give him an interpreter. He had two choices - go to a Federal court or go to a state agency. He decided to go to a state agency and he won! It only took him just 47 days to get the win. With a federal court, it would take him much longer than 47 days! He said that ADA laws are not that always better than state regulations.   -- a hearing boss encouraging a deaf employee to visit deaf club Years way back , a deaf woman was employed in a clothing factory. Her boss needed more employees, and encouraged her to socialize and make new friends at a nearby deaf club. She was able to spread the word that a factory needed deaf employees. That was how her new friends got jobs. And there was a bonus for her - finding a husband for herself!   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- professor, honest or insulting 02/11/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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