DeafDigest - 15 January 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 15, 2018 -- Deaf Wine at California State University, Long Beach A group of professors at California State University, Long Beach ran tasting experiments with red wine, using hearing volunteers. The results were posted on the web site - Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids. Not sure what is the relationship between red wine and the deaf-related web site. Deaf Wine? Dunno. A picture is at:   -- deaf medical needs in small towns In many small towns, many hospitals do not have interpreters, not because they prefer VRI, but because of shortage of interpreters. This is the reason why many small town deaf people accept VRI as "better than nothing."   -- pushing the wrong button Newspapers are full of stories about a person in Hawaii pushing the wrong button, scaring people of invasion from North Korea. A deaf employee for a state government was given a three-day training with interpreters on how to operate a computer system that had many buttons to be pushed. One wrong button push, the entire state system would crash. When the training ended, the deaf person lost his job, not because of wrong button being pushed but because the supervisor was scared that a deaf person cannot push the right button! That supervisor did not consider the possiblity that a hearing employee could also push the wrong button.   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- airport incident 01/14/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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