DeafDigest - 15 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 15, 2014   -- the Archie comic book it was announced yesterday that the Archie comic book will close. Archie, the famous character, has died. This comic book started in 1939. Over the years, have we seen a deaf character? Yes! An early 1972 Archie edition ran a story "The Sound of Silence" about Stella, a deaf kid. Archie "teaches" the deaf girl how to read lips! Nothing about ASL in the story. The only mention of a deaf organization is "National Children's Fund for the Deaf." Disappointing? Yes, but it was during the seventies when sign language was not yet popular!   -- no interpreter for an elected deaf member of city council Montesano, Washington is a small town of about 4,000 people, at a long distance away from either Seattle or Vancouver. Marisa Salzer, who is deaf, is a member of the city council. She has repeatedly asked for an interpreter for council meetings. The city always turned her down. Having no choice, she filed a formal complaint with the state Human Rights Commission. The city woke up but said they "never" denied her an interpreter. Is the city lying? Yes.   -- a construction firm that hires the deaf Do we have many deaf people working on construction jobs? Over the years, just a few. Have we read of a construction company that wants to hire the deaf? Not in USA, but in England! There was a story today of the Nutshell Construction in Sompting, England, a town of some 8,500 people that have been hiring the deaf for construction jobs. Too bad, it is not in USA.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/13/14 Blue edition at: 07/13/14 Gold edition at:

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