DeafDigest - 15 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 15, 2016 -- a rejected deaf dog Seven (actual name of the deaf dog) was rejected and given up to the dog rescue center. The owner didn't want the dog because of her deafness. Well, the deaf dog, a border collie mix, won the Canadian Agility Trials championship! This event combines speed and accuracy through an obstacle course. She was the most watched dog throught the championship, all eyes on her! Why Seven? It was the seventh dog that rescuer/trainer Adina MacRae adopted. She is now 9 years old and it is her last participation as she is now retired. A picture is at:   -- airports hate audits Already the airports are scared in India. Everyone hates audits. The India Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is planning with the Department of Empowerment of People with Disabilities to audit 22 major airports to see if they are deaf/disabled friendly. If airports are not friendly, then they will be ordered to fix up ASAP. Yesterday DeafDigest mentioned Taco Bell; if Taco Bell had audits, then all ASL kiosks would have been installed at all outlets. Same as with airports in India.   -- captions postponed at Rio Olympics It was learned that NBC is postponing the airing of the Opening Ceremony at the Rio Olympics. It will not be aired live but shown several hours later. Why? Many reasons - but one of these reasons is "time and money" for captions! Already people are angry at NBC.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf Business man & leader & wore many hat 07/10/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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