DeafDigest - 15 July 2018

DeafDigest Blue - July 15, 2018
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 22nd year
Employment ads web site:
Last week's ASL Videos in youtube
This week's ASL videos in youtube
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- Titanic's only deaf passenger
The Silent Network, the nations first national Deaf/Hard of Hearing
television network, which started in 1979, has been hard at work on its
major preservation efforts of thousands of hours of past Deaf/HOH
broadcast TV shows for the benefit of todays viewers.
Viewers can now enjoy watching the digitally re-mastered shows
as well as brand new shows at Shows are added regularly.
Viewers can watch on their TV, tablet, mobile device, or computer.
Visit for more background information or
watch the shows at
Join and support this major historical undertaking!
Saturday's Deaf Picture for your surprise
Top stories about the deaf:
Lagos has been distributing sign language booklets
for police, banks and hospitals and claimed
over 2,000 people have been trained to use
sign language.
The Oyo State government in Nigeria seized a
20-acre land owned by a deaf agency. No reason
was given for the seizure but in which resulted
in mass protests by the Deaf Community.
In the hearing world, a runaway billionaire
is John McAfee, who created a company -
McAfee Associates, that created software
that blocked computer viruses. In the Deaf
World, it is Bill Austin, the past CEO
of Starkey Hearing aids. Guess there are
rogue billionaire runaways, no matter if
they're affiliated with hearing or with
The Rochester Police Department is working
with a deaf organization in Rochester, NY
on a forum to improve relationships with
the Deaf Community.
The following individuals were elected to the NAD Board of Directors:
Melissa S. Draganac-Hawk, President
Richard McCowin, Vice President
Jenny Buechner, Secretary
Michelle Cline, Treasurer
Liz Hill, Region I Representative
Steve Lovi, Region I Representative
Kevin Ryan, Region II Representative
Linsay Darnall, Jr, Region II Representative
Steve Hamerdinger, Region III Representative
Holly Ketchum, Region III Representative
Amy Lucero, Region IV Representative
Martin Price, Region IV Representative
Howard Rosenblum, Ex Officio Member
Check out the new post about how trauma can change you
on HealthBridges
HealthBridges is a website to learn about behavioral health
and social service resources for Deaf, DeafBlind and
Hard of Hearing People
Happy Summer :)
The HealthBridges Team
Unlock the phone with CapTel Captioned Telephone!
CapTel shows word-for-word captions of everything a
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CapTel® Captioned Telephone – See What Everyone is Talking About!
weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    This is a true story. A deaf employee worked for
a company for many years. The company required all
employees to be retrained to learn how to work
with computers.
    The deaf employee refused to be retrained.
The company did not like it - but did not fire
the deaf employee because he was a good worker.
    But the company waited, and waited and waited
for the deaf employee to break a company rule.
    Finally, when the deaf employee broke a
company rule he was immediately fired.
    The deaf employee sued and lost because the
company lawyers told the court that the company
rule was in the employee manual and everyone
knew the rule.
    It was easier to fire the deaf employee for
breaking a company rule than to fire him because
of refusal to learn computers!
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
Lip reading tale
A deaf baseball fan and a hearing baseball fan
were talking about one baseball player that
plays for Miami Marlins.
The deaf fan thought the hearing fan said:
Justin Pour lacks homerun power
The hearing fan actually said:
Justin Bour lacks homerun power
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Many hearing kids are cruel, teasing the deaf and
making them feel bad.
    One hearing kid did, and he was sorry for the rest
of his life.
    The deaf kid's father owned a big company that hired
many people. The father saw his deaf son being teased
and did not like it.
    Years later the hearing kid grew up, graduated from
college and applied for a job at that big company.
    The hearing kid did not get the job, and he was
sorry that he teased the deaf kid a lot in the past.
    Too late!
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
"Why do you have to hit all of those keys at the same time to make such a
simple word come up?  Wouldn’t it just be easier to type on a regular
keyboard one letter at a time?"
Being a CART captioner, I have heard these kinds of questions many times.
Yes, it might be "easier" to type one letter at a time, but if realtime
captioners did that, there would be no way that they could develop the
speed that they need to provide realtime translation for the different
events and broadcasts where captioning and CART are provided.
Using a standard QWERTY keyboard, the fastest typists can sometimes get up
to around 120 words per minute.  It is more common for good typists to
average 60 to 80 words per minute.
The standard rate of speech for most people is around 160 to 180 words per
minute.  Many speakers consistently average over 200 words per minute.
As you can see from these numbers, if someone is using a standard keyboard
and trying to type one letter at a time, even the best of typists cannot
keep up with most speakers.
However, using the steno keyboard, someone can keep up with most speakers.
In order to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association as a
Registered Professional Reporter, which is the entry-level test for court
reporters, someone must pass a test on testimony material at 225 words per
If you can write at 225 words per minute rather than 100 words per minute,
you will be able to do a much better job of keeping up with speakers in
today's rapid-paced world.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
    New Hearing words get into the dictionary
every year.
    New Deaf words don't. Why? Said Peter Sokolowski,
not deaf, editor-at-large, Merriam-Webster:
If somebody is using it to convey a specific idea and
that idea is successfully conveyed in that word, it's
ready to go in the dictionary
    If this is the case then why such Deaf Words like
Coda, audism, bibi, etc get rejected every year?
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
A difference a decade would make! Ten years ago
NAD and RID were at each other's throats, in bitter
disagreement on how interpreters should be certificated.
NAD's way or RID's way was what the disagreement focused on.
Now NAD and RID are buddies. Both issued a joint
announcement, acknowledging each other's goals and
missions and top it off with a Memorandum of
What happened? Seems NAD and RID are both at odds
with each other lately!
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)
Employment ads web site is at:
Copyright 2018 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.
the employment ads section:
All new jobs are immediately posted

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