DeafDigest - 15 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 15, 2019 -- the deaf without interpreter and with interpreter How do hearing people look at the deaf that are without interpreters as compared to those with interpreters? This issue was put up for discssion on a web posting.   -- app to tell deaf the value of paper money A software company is asking for an app to help the deaf know of the value of their paper money. In other words, telling the deaf that the $5.00 bill is five dollars. Is that app necessary? Is that app insulting the intelligence of the deaf? All deaf people know that $5.00 is actually five dollars!   -- more dangerous to walk on the sidewalk Is it becoming more dangerous for the deaf to walk on the sidewalk? Many scooters zip by these deaf people, often as a matter of inches. If a deaf person changes direction of his walk right in front of the scooter then ugly collisions might happen. Hearing people can hear the sound of the scooters; the deaf can't. And also the deaf can't hear the screaming by these scooter riders to get out of the way!     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/14/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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