DeafDigest - 15 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 15, 2017   -- a baseball practice We all know about the tragic shooting at the ball field in Alexandria, VA where the Republicans were having a baseball practice. They were getting ready for their big Congressional Baseball Game tonite against the Democrats. By the way, where did the Democrats practice baseball? At the Dummy Hoy Field at Gallaudet University! May the best team win. A picture is at:   -- applying for a trademark Gene Simmons is a rocker with the KISS rock band. He knows nothing about ASL, but he wants to trademark the famous ILY hand sign. Is he crazy? Yes!   -- a magazine article 110 years ago The June 1907 issue of Scientific American magazine had a statement, as part of an article about the deaf that went like this: the old-fashioned alphabet is now unknown Was the writer aware that Gallaudet University always supported sign language as well as fingerspelling? Probably not! Or the magazine editorial staff never heard of Gallaudet? Possibly so!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Agency hypocrisy 6/11/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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