DeafDigest - 15 March 2013

DeafDigest weekend special edition, March 15, 2013   -- deaf enjoying a meal at a nice restaurant for the deaf and for the hearing, eating experience at a nice restaurant may be different. Deaf people require menu accessibility, good lights, ease in communicating with waiters, and perfect vision lines at dining tables. For the hearing - it often is music! Background music is important to restaurant owners even though hearing patrons don't think about it. If a hearing group leaves the restaurant in a bad mood, wrong music is blamed! Just different with the deaf.   -- the lucky future deaf major league baseball pitcher when the famous deaf pitcher Dummy Taylor (1900-1908) had a bad inning, the manager would come to him on the mound and communicate in gestures. This year there is a new rule in Major League Baseball - that an interpreter can come with the coach to the mound to discuss something with the foreign-language speaking pitchers (Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, etc). This means a future deaf pitcher can use ASL to communicate with his coach and the interpreter on the mound during the time out. Taylor was not so lucky in his days.   -- a British telephone company won't help a deaf man Derek Newby, a deaf British man, lives in a small town. The telephone and email communications network crashed in his town. Derek is not able to use his email to communicate. Hearing neighbors can get by with cell phones, but Derek cannot. He and the neighbors have complained to the telephone company, but was told it takes two months to get the phone line fixed. Derek is very angry. He is 88 years old and would not be able to contact hospitals, doctors, police for his medical needs.   03/10/13 Blue edition at: 03/10/13 Gold edition at:  

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