DeafDigest - 15 March 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 15, 2018 -- agency that refused to pay interpreters' fees Jim Cromwell, an interpreter, is angry and in a web posting, said that he is owed $993.00 by an agency for his interpreting assignments. The rate was agreed on advance but after he completed his assignments, the agency refused to pay him. Ahd when he followed up, the agency "shut down" its web site! A picture is at:   -- Hawking's death and the deaf Stephen Hawking is one of the world's most famous scientists. He is disabled and passed away this week. Some people are angry that the newspapers said that Hawking is a "wow" person that succeeded despite his disability. DeafDigest is always angry at many daily newspaper stories that successful deaf are "wow" - that they "overcame" their deafness. Do keep in mind that deaf people can do anything except to hear. Wow? No way!   -- Deaf Bollywood vs Deaf Hollywood Bollywood is the same as Hollywood, except that it is in India. Anyway, Hollywood is becomeing more and more sensitive to the issue of these fake-deaf actors, and they know if they cast a hearing actor in a deaf role they will get plenty of criticism. Bollywood? They probably just don't care and will praise a "perfect" hearing actor for playing a "perfect" deaf role! The most recent example is hearing actor Nara Rohith who was praised by the media in India for playing a great deaf role. Keep in mind India still calls the deaf as deaf-mutes.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- comic book mystery 03/11/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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