DeafDigest - 15 May 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 15, 2013 -- a deaf model starting her career at late age! Many models start their careers while young (before age of 20), but a certain deaf woman started her career at the age of 25! She travels across Europe taking on different modeling assignments. Now nearing her thirties, her career is just taking off, even though she is at the age when models worry about their looks and future photo shoots.     -- deaf EMT better than hearing EMT! Chad Grabousky is deaf and is an emergency medical technician (EMT) with a Bethlehem, PA ambulance company. 4 years ago at the age of 18, he graduated from a EMT program but could not find a job; no one wanted to hire him. He would not give up and found a EMT job in Bethlehem, about 60 miles from where he lives. The boss knew it was a gamble when hiring him. What does the boss say right now? The happy boss said: He is better than some hearing staff!     - Jeff Rosen firing a hearing impaired attorney Jeff Rosen is an attorney and he fired a hearing impaired attorney for abuse of power! Jeff Rosen, the chairperson of the National Council on Disability, an Obama political appointee? No, not that deaf attorney Jeff Rosen, but yes, the other Jeff Rosen that is hearing. He is the Santa Clara County (California) district attorney. He fired prosecutor Lisa Rogers because of personal misconduct with a domestic issue. Lisa is deaf and has to depend on a stenographer to keep up with the proceedings.     05/12/13 Blue edition at: 05/12/13 Gold edition at:

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