DeafDigest - 15 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 15, 2018 -- AI claim, true or not true A Microsoft spokesperson said that with AI, closed caption accuracy is promised even if it has to caption a scene where two hearing people are screaming at each other. True or not true? DeafDigest is skeptical. A picture is at:   -- police decision: deaf woman arguing with hearing woman At a gas station in Chicago, a deaf woman got into an argument with a hearing woman. Police came over. The police officer was not able to communicate with the deaf woman, but listened to what the hearing woman said (that the deaf woman pushed her during the argument). For reasons of not being able to communicate, the police officer did not arrest the deaf woman. But later on, after reviewing the incident the hearing woman was arrested for battery! It is not known why the police officer never got an interpreter - but at any rate, it was determined the hearing woman was not telling the truth.   -- innocently getting into trouble during airflight A deaf person that behaves perfectly as an airline passenger still can get into trouble and risk getting kicked out! The flight attendant has a list of passengers that need special attention - ie a deaf passenger. But if the deaf person, for some reason, is not on the list, then the flight attendant may have no way of knowing about it. And if the deaf passenger "ignores" flight attendant's questions, then the risk is getting kicked off the plane! This is not a joke. It happened to one deaf passenger!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- a Deaf House 05/13/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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