DeafDigest - 15 November 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 15, 2017 -- football players and fans see the same deaf face A 150-foot mural of a deaf man towers over the Everbank Field, the stadium where the Jacksonville Jaguars play. Each time the players and the fans enter the stadium, they cannot miss the mural. The deaf face is Connell Crooms, an activist who was brutally beaten up by the police earlier this year. Incidentally, one of the Jaguars players is a Coda - Marquise Lee. A picture is at:   -- shocking tale of a deaf singer Mandy Harvey, who is late-deafened and knows no sign language, is a talented singer that reached the America's Got Talented finals. Instead of praising her, some anti-oral deaf people threatened her with death for not advocating ASL. This is sad because we should always respect diversity no matter what.   -- an insult to hard-working deaf employees A historian, specializing in rights of the deaf and the disabled, researched these early 20th century years and discovered an insult. Many deaf people were employed but were described by employers and legislators as - unproductive citizens! An insult big time.     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- best deaf poker player 11/12/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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