DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 15, 2021
-- a high percentage of hearing people
A survey said that two thirds of hearing
people struggle to hear what is being
said on the theatrical stage and also said
captions is the way to go!
-- confusing newspaper story about elected politicians
A confusing newspaper story said Scotland
has almost 20 deaf elected politicans
in that nation. That many?
Well, in another part of the story said
that Grant Ferguson is believed to be
the first deaf politician to give a
speech at a local government session.
Is it saying that elected deaf politicans
stay quiet during council sessions?
If true, it is a shame!
-- not fully deaf but profoundly deaf
is there a difference between being
fully deaf and being profoundly deaf?
This was what one deaf actress said in
a newspaper interview. Fully deaf
may mean being stone deaf - which is rare!
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