DeafDigest - 15 October 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 15, 2013 -- CCTV catching deaf drivers using sign language while driving! Could Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) catch deaf drivers signing while driving? Yes. Some cities have CCTV cameras everywhere. These cameras can catch anything in the cars that pass by. If a cop stops you and tells you that you do not pay attention on the road, don't be surprised!     -- a deaf lifeguard wins and twice loses a job discrimination case Nicholas Keith, a deaf lifeguard, was offered a job in 2007 with a community pool in Oakland County (Michigan). The offer was withdrawn when county officials learned he was deaf. He sued. Six years later he won $25,000 in a settlement to end the court case. But he lost twice! Why? Because much of the money will go to his attorney that argued the case for him. And the deaf lifeguard still did not get the job he wanted.     - good news for hungry deaf drivers Hungry deaf drivers wanting to order fast service food at drive-in chains (McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc) have been frustrated by talking, non-captioned kiosks and window people that won't serve them despite written notes. A company - Nextep Systems has come up with a touchscreen that are mounted on kiosks. So far, 100 fast food drive-ins have these touchscreens. This number will grow faster in the future. These fast food drive-ins want our business - and they are tired of discrimination lawsuits from us!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/13/13 Blue edition at: 10/13/13 Gold edition at:

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