DeafDigest - 15 October 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 15, 2014     -- a video for cops scared to deal with the deaf Many cops are afraid to deal with the deaf, even if it is a trivial matter, like a broken tail light. To deal with the fear, a TV station in Tulsa has produced a video to show to cops on how to deal with the deaf. This was part of the theme - Tulsa Police Work To Improve Communication With Deaf Community.   -- a confession of a hearing actor playing a deaf role We hate it when hearing actors play deaf roles, thus stealing jobs from deaf actors. Larry Heard, a hearing actor with small roles in Louisiana, said: It is awkward being deaf because you hear everything, and yet you have to act like you don't hear anything   -- a deaf bakery in United Kingdom There was a deaf-owned bakery in the United Kingdom, The Bakery, located in Buckingham, a small town of 12,000 people. The deaf owner was Arthur Loyns, who operated it for 10 years until it was destroyed during World War II. A number of hearing bakers worked for him, and it was considered the best bakery in town, with a reputation for food quality and for clean facilities.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 10/12/14 Blue edition at: 10/12/14 Gold edition at:

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