DeafDigest - 15 October 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 15, 2015 morning -- a bad lipreading video spoof there was a video production of bad lipreading in New Zealand. People were saying things that the deaf thought what they said. All of them wrong and all of them funny. The goal is to show the New Zealand government that deaf people need TV captions. Coming up soon is the World Rugby World Cup on television but not captioned. Deaf people are angry but the government is not convinced they need captions. This is the reason for the video spoof on bad lipreading. -- masters thesis in sign language Could a deaf person use ASL instead of written English with his masters thesis? In USA, no, but in Japan, a deaf masters candidate is using Japanese Sign Language! He has been encouraged by his advisor to use sign language. It is about a topic in Social Work. past Mid-Week & morning editions: 10/11/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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