DeafDigest - 15 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 15, 2016 -- surprise captioning problem Jeffrey Liebman, who is deaf, was angry when he requested captioning device at a Montreal movie theater to watch the "Star Trek Into Darkness" movie. Yet the theater would not give him the device even though the movie was captioned. They said it was not fair because the film was captioned in English, but not in French. They wanted to be fair to English-language deaf and French-language deaf. It happened in 2013 and a complaint was filed with the Quebec Human Rights Commission. Just this week the Commission said they would not help him argue the case with the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal. A picture is at:   -- court says no to video In Toronto, a deaf British woman rented a car and got into an accident with a hearing driver, that also rented a car. It happened in 2012. The deaf driver sued the hearing driver and the car rental company. Four years later, a big arrgument is continuing. Whose fault was the accident - the deaf or the hearing? The deaf woman from London wanted more answers from the hearing driver through video (London-Toronto). The hearing driver refused the video and wanted in-person responses. The judge said videos not permitted. At this point, no one knows what to do next.   -- a new way with TV commercials We hate TV commercials. Some commercials are captioned. Some are not. But what about commercials fully in sign language? Never saw one in USA, but it is coming up in Great Britain. On the TV program "The Last Leg" one commercial break will feature a deaf actor using British Sign Language for all of these ads during that time. Which commercial break would that be? Deaf British viewers would be forced to wait through all commercial breaks until the one comes up that is 100 percent British Sign Language!     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf, invisible 09/11/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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