DeafDigest - 15 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 15, 2020 -- National Labor Relations Board says RID broke no rules Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) deleted facebook posts that discussed bad union issues and bad working conditions. This complaint was brought to the attention of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In a ruling, NRLB said RID's actions was legal - because these postings were not made by RID's employees but by those not employed by RID!   -- Union Pacific Railroad discriminates against deaf train conductor DeafDigest editor was surprised that we do have a train conductor that has been deaf most of his life. Train conductors deal with passengers that never paid for their tickets or with passengers that missed their stops, etc. He was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company but was fired because of his deafness. This lawsuit dragged on and just now, the Seventh Circuit agreed to restart this lawsuit after it was originally thrown out.   -- One of world's most famous movie comedians was deaf Leslie Nielsen, the world's most famous comedian, who made many people laugh in his movies, was deaf. He passed away ten years ago. He wore hearing aids all of his life and for that reason, many people never knew of his deafness. Take off his hearing aids, he was profoundly deaf. ASL speaking? No, as he was able to function as a hearing person.   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/13/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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