DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 15, 2021
-- the Stink and the new TV sign language ad
It was mentioned in DeafDigest over the past weekend
that Giffgaff, a British mobile network, produced a new
TV ad shown in British Sign Language. Helping produce
the new ad was the Stink Studios. Why the Stink? Just the
name of that ad agency; DeafDigest is afraid people may
misunderstand what they are reading about and think
deaf people stink. No way! Deaf people are great; they
do not stink.
-- the word of mouth
An activist said that businesses normally do not
post accessibility information on their web sites.
This means deaf users must look for captions and/or
sign language on hearing web sites without being told
where to locate! This activist also said word of
mouth is effective.
-- the European Union snubs the deaf
the the European Union is a group of many
European nations that deals wit political
and economic issues. The Brexit is one
example that the Union had to deal with the
British government. Anyway interpreters for
the deaf was not provided by the European
Union during its recent European Parliament
gathering. It only means one thing - the
deaf people are not important to the
European Union. So very disappointing!
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