DeafDigest - 16 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 16, 2018 -- junk wood thrown away is valuable There is a newspaper story today of Dominick Fusco, Kalamazoo, MI. He is deaf and owns a business that converts recycled (or junk) wood into something valuable. He said: I've been able to find a lot of old pieces that are broken, something needs to be replaced on it. His goal is to set up a storefront store where hearing customers can purchase old wood products (shelves, chairs, tables, etc) for use in their houses. A picture is at:   -- certified police agencies and the deaf Ohio is trying to establish rules for police departments to get certified. This means meeting standards for police officers to effectively do their jobs. If the police departments don't, then they will get on the list of town police departments that don't meet standards. It was a newspaper story today. But what about police officers that detain deaf individuals? This issue was not addressed at all! How so very disappointing.   -- biggest 911-text fear, not a joke What is the biggest 911-text fear, and it is not a joke? It is the computer screen of the dispatcher that freezes up and locks up. The dispatcher has a special button to tell the bosses that there is a computer problem. Doesn't really help!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- rare agreement between rival national organizations of the deaf 04/15/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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