DeafDigest - 16 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 16, 2020 -- these last minute interpreting assignments An interpreter said that he got a last minute assignment request from a fellow interpreter. He got the phone call at 8:45 AM to rush to the 9:20 AM assignment. Reason for the last minute request was the first interpreter was stuck in a bad traffic jam and knew he couldn't make it at 9:20 AM!   -- a law firm or a public relations firm Is it the changing of times that a personal complaint would get a response from a law firm instead of a public relations firm? A deaf person wrote to local TV station concerning lack of captions on a local news program. In the past the public relations firm would respond to the complaint. This time the deaf person got a response from the TV station's law firm! The attorney basically said the same thing that a PR firm would say. Oh, well.   -- deaf cashier solves customers' mask issues A story surfaced today about Matthew Simmons, a deaf cashier at Trader Joe's. Normally he would lip read customers' comments, but their masks prevented him from lip reading. He solved the problem by wearing the T-shirt that said "I'm deaf" on front and "tap on the shoulder" on the back. Quickly - problem solved; everyone is happy!   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/12/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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