DeafDigest - 16 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 16, 2015 morning   -- a national deaf web site hacked A national deaf web site was hacked. It was an attempt by a hacker to tell the public that the deaf web site plus 22 other web sites that he also hacked hacked yesterday were not well protected. Which deaf web site was hacked? It was the Saudi Federation for the Deaf (Saudi Arabia)! He said he will wait until the deaf web site is fixed before he would open access to the public. Blackmail? In a way, yes!     -- a question about online captions Someone wrote a letter to a newspaper, asking for advice on online captions. The response was this: The location of the caption command varies from service to service. It may be listed under "options" or as a graphic in an onscreen toolbar     past Mid-Week & morning editions:     8/09/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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