DeafDigest - 16 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 16, 2016   -- a famous deaf person joins a famous show The Chippendales is a popular entertainment-type show featured in New York, Las Vegas and Hollywood. It started in 1979 and has continued strong whereas other entertainment shows have closed up. Anyway, hot deaf celebrity Nyle DiMarco will be joining the Chippendale cast at Las Vegas. A big question - will this show be interpreted? A picture is at:   -- another movie captioning lawsuit with a strange twist Yet another movie captioning lawsuit - filed against the Celebration!s Cinema in Benton Harbor, in the southwestern part of Michigan. The twist, strange however, is that the theater owner said he was "waiting" for review by the Department of Justice on "updated" movie captioning standards! Government moves very slow, and so, why didn't the movie theater owner do his own research to learn what standards other theaters have on their movie captions?   -- a scary comment by a deaf owner of a house A deaf man showed the police the bullet holes near his house in Chattanooga, TN. There was a shooting at a nearby house, but the bullets flew everywhere. He explained that he could not hear the firing and would not be able to hide to protect himself. He did see the flashing police lights with so many people out on the street but no one came over to him to explain what was going on. He has lived in the house all by himself for over 10 years but is not close to his neighbors. When this happens anywhere, then deaf people are scared.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- the deaf and the five basic rights 08/14/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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