DeafDigest - 16 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 16, 2019 -- angry deaf driver A deaf driver from Texas made this angry comment: I’m a deaf person who uses my voice, but that doesn’t mean I can hear. So when I get pulled over, they’re assuming I’m not respecting them, that I’m not paying attention. That angry deaf driver is correct - and besides not every deaf person with great speech also knows ASL     -- rewriting a movie or a play script Many script writers do not like to make changes with their movie plots or play plots. If the plot specifcally asks for a hearing actor, the script stays the same. But from time to time, to accommodate a deaf actor, the script gets changed. Two examples come to mind - the late Victor Galloway played a few scenes in "The River Wild." And Bob Hiltermann, another deaf actor, had a script changed for him in one TV program.     -- ADA in a big war with Domino's Many deaf people order pizza from Domono's but it does not mean that this pizza chain is making the web friendly for them. Domino's, suppported by the Chamber of Commerce, wants the Supreme Court to weaken the ADA laws! They said web standards are vague and confusing.     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/11/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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