DeafDigest - 16 December 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 16, 2014   -- a lucky deaf shopper at a supermarket Vanya Tyndall, a deaf woman of Lakeland, Florida, was standing in the checkout line at the Winn-Dixie supermarket. Suddenly a hearing man came to her and gave her a $100.00 gift card. That hearing man was the CEO of a big bank in Lakeland and he wanted to make Holiday Season happy for everyone.   -- a deaf school graduate may get a rare job Dexter Young, who just graduated from Tennessee School for the Deaf, has completed a course in Certified Nursing Assistant. He is hoping to pass the state exam and get a job in a hospital as a nursing assistant. He would assist the regular nurse with health care needs of patients. It is rare for a young deaf person to seek employment in that field that quick out of high school!   -- anti-deaf police officers fired There was a crime committed against a group of deaf people. The police came to investigate the crime, and did not arrest the hearing criminals. The top court was not too happy about it and fired these police officers. It took place in Pakistan!     Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 12/14/14 Blue edition at: 12/14/14 Gold edition at:

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