DeafDigest - 16 December 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 16, 2020 -- not every hearing foreign person knows gestures Nyle DiMarco, in an interview, said: The biggest advantage of being deaf while traveling is that so many people in foreign countries are incredible at gesture Is he correct? Well, DeafDigest editor and his wife was having breakfast at a restaurant in Barcelona, Spain. Keep in mind, people of Madrid gesture all the time with each other, not that so in Barcelona. Anyway the editor wanted eggs as scrambled and made a gesture to indicate scrambling. The waitress couldn't understand it so asked her shift manager, whom did not understand it. The manager asked the cook to come over, and after struggling with the gesture he finally figured it out as "scrambled." Took about five minutes just for a simple, and routine breakfast order! Scrambled eggs in Barcelona? The best!   -- federal judge dismisses ADA interpreting case A federal judge in Georgia dismissed an ADA interpreting case. The interpreter was not certified but was hired at the last minute as requested by a deaf patient for a medical appointment. Why was it dismissed? The judge said the clinic followed ADA rules but was not at fault due to this last minute request.   -- a big issue almost invisible in the deaf community People park their cars in garages inside their houses, and accidentally leave the engine running, leading to carbon monoxide. Forgetful hearing people can hear the engine and run back to the garage to shut it off. Not so with the deaf. A national deaf leader died in 1968 for that reason. There is a lawsuit against Toyota for not installing a flashing signaler to warn of engine still running or to auto-shut off the engine.   Deaf jobs - latest update 12/13/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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