DeafDigest - 16 February 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 16, 2018 -- comment about deafness by Maine Highway Safety Director Lauren Stewart, the Maine Highway Safety Director, said: Hearing impaired people are able to obtain a driver's license, obviously we think they are able to drive. Those people might not be able to hear emergency vehicle Is she implying that deaf people should not drive? A picture is at:   -- captions during Broadway plays It was learned that almost 20 Broadway theaters, in Manhattan, are able to give deaf theatrical-lovers play captions on their smartphones. Just a concern - if the deaf person is busy watching the smartphone captions, he may miss something exciting on the stage!   -- full-time factory interpreter A deaf employee in the Sikorsky Aircraft factory in Connecticut wanted a full time interpreter. The company said no. He filed a lawsuit. The judge is thinking it over because the deaf employee does not require an interpeter while he is on the job, just for daily 10-minute staff meetings and for occassional workshops and training sessions. The company offered alternative solutions such as texts, captions, note pads and the deaf man said no.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- noisy highways 02/11/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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