DeafDigest - 16 January 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 16, 2013   -- useless punishment for anti-deaf judge Indiana judge Peter Nemeth was punished by the Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications. He told a hearing woman that she had to pay for ASL interpreter in a court custody hearing involving a deaf boy. The Indiana Supreme Court agreed with the punishment. But it is useless! Why? Because Judge Nemeth is already retired! Did he get away with it? Yes.     -- a deaf bounty hunter? A bounty hunter chases criminals that skip bail. It can be a dangerous job as we have learned from watching the old TV series - Dog, the Bounty Hunter. Anyway, could a brave deaf person become a bounty hunter? Well, the Joe Schmo Show on the Spike TV network, is featuring a bounty hunt competition. One of the hopeful bounty hunters is deaf. What if the deaf man wins, will he get a job as a bounty hunter? Sorry, the Joe Schmo Show is a reality TV hoax show. Anything you see on the program is a fake! Funny, yes, but a fake.     -- a debt collector hates the deaf? Does the Peroutka and Peroutka PA, a law firm in Maryland, hate the deaf? Especially the deaf that do not pay bills? Well, this law firm specializes in debt collections - and they refused to accept relay calls from deaf people that wanted to pay their bills! The angry Justice Department forced the law firm to reach agreement so that the deaf can use relay calls in order to pay up their bills.     -- a snowman that loves everybody posted on the internet was a picture of a snowman with his "I Love You" sign. Where was the picture taken? No one knows because the story that came with the picture did not go into specific details. Anyway, this is the first time DeafDigest has seen a picture of a snowman that loves everybody, especially the neighborhood in his home town.     -- a hearing criminal posting a deaf residence sign Jonathan Lee Riches is a hearing criminal with a long list of crimes on his police record. One of his crimes was internet scam. He asked his victims to mail him their personal data (social security numbers, ATM pin numbers, etc). The house on the address had a sign that said Deaf Residence, even though Riches is not deaf. Riches wanted to fool delivery people into just leaving the envelopes in the mail box without asking ID questions in person. The cops got wise and arrested him. He is now in jail.   01/13/13 Blue edition at:   01/13/13 Gold edition at:  

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