DeafDigest - 16 January 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 15, 2018 -- a new law in Pakistan A new law is on the books in Pakistan. Words such as deaf-mute or deaf-dumb cannot be used. This is great but with an irony. India is Pakistan's next door neighbor - and in India everyone uses the word deaf-mute all the time. DeafDigest editor once received email from an educator of Deaf Education in India, referring to the deaf as deaf-mutes. Yes, DeafDigest editor lost his temper and the Educator quickly apologized. A picture is at:     -- the very busy Nyle DiMarco Nyle DiMarco is busier than ever. He has two big projects; a starring role in a new TV series - This Close; this program premieres on Valentine's Day. The other project is as producer of the revival Broadway play - Children of a Lesser God.   -- cops either forgot or ignored a request A deaf woman called 911 on video relay, informing the dispatcher of an incident taking place at her home, and requested that an interpreter come with the cops. The police officers showed up - without an interpreter. Did the dispatcher tell the cops that an interpeter was needed? Or did the cops ignore the request? Or did the cops forgot to bring an interpreter? The incident was so bad that the intepreter was actually needed.   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- too many deaf apps 01/14/18 Blue and Gold editions at:   DO YOU SEE YOURSELF AS A COUNSELOR WITH DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING CLIENTS? more information at:    

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