DeafDigest - 16 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 16, 2020 -- plaintiff losing ADA discrimination lawsuit A hospital in New York no longer has to worry about ADA discrimination lawsuit, over refusal to provide an interpreter for a deaf patient? Two reasons - it took place a long time ago and the statute of limitations expired - and - because the lawsuit was filed by a hearing sister whose deaf brother was a patient. The hospital said she had no authority to request an interpreter, and the brother didn't request it!   -- captioned glasses, to laugh or to cry A deaf moviegoer went to watch a "1917" movie in a major city theater. The captioning glasses didn't work, only to be told the movie wasn't captioned. He went to a nearby theater, which advertised the movie as captioned, and picked up captioning glasses. The captions showed up slowly but it did not match what the actors were saying - it said "Truck revving...spinning wheel", etc. The manager realized the captioning glasses was programmed for a different movie at a different theater! The glasses were exchanged. Captions worked for a while then the power in glasses went out. Giving up after going to two theaters he was able to get refunds and went to a nearby bar to cool off.   -- deaf employee's "deaf" badge does not help A deaf employee at a department store said the "deaf" badge he wore, often does not help. A frustrated hearing shopper would come to him, saying something that is not understood. The deaf employee would point to his badge and ask to please slow down. That only makes the hearing shopper even angrier! Yes, the deaf employee's supervisor had to come over to calm down and help the hearing shopper.     Deaf jobs - latest update 01/12/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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