DeafDigest - 16 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 16, 2020 -- freelance interpreter vs full time employed interpreter Which is better for an interpreter? Go freelance or work as full time interpreter for an employer? This is a decision that interpreters need to make for themselves. A freelance interpreter said he decides on cost for his services, sets his own interpreting hours and selects (or rejects) clients, but the disadvantage is the need to maintain accurate income records for tax purposes.   -- veterinarians that know ASL There was a story of veterinarians that learn sign language to communicate with deaf clients that own dogs and/or cats. Not in USA, but in Great Britain. We have a few deaf veterinarians in USA, but probably too far and too few in between. A sick animal is not interested in ASL but in getting quick veterinary attention!   -- deaf characters for hearing gamers Hearing gamers are only interested in winning their own games against their own competitors. Do they care if the video characters are hearing or deaf? Well, it was learned that GRIP Combat Racing has a video game that involves disabled and deaf characters. This is probably a first with these video games!   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/12/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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