DeafDigest - 16 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 16, 2015 morning   -- a deaf man puts ketchup on his face In Dublin, Ireland, a 73-year old deaf man put ketchup on his face and told the police that a hearing neighbor (they hated each other) assaulted him. The cop smelled ketchup and knew the assault was a fake. The judge fined him 200 euros and ordered him to stay away from that hearing man at all times.   -- a new word for a deaf person that becomes hearing Is there a new word (or a new phrase) for a deaf person that becomes hearing? Is it "Trans-Abled"? Is it a joke? Well, an angry person wrote an article in the publication of the Illinois Family Institute about many people becoming "trans"!   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 6/14/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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