DeafDigest - 16 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 16, 2015   -- college world series and the deaf College World Series is a big annual event in Omaha. Nation's best college baseball teams try to become the national champions. Many deaf fans love to watch these games but have been frustrated! No captions, no loops, no interpreters. A Coda complained about it and it led to three local and state organizations to work together, convincing T.D. Ameritrade Stadium management to make it ADA-compliant on everything. They agreed. Said a happy deaf leader: That is a FIRST and without having to resort to a lawsuit.   -- a millionaire deaf developer Vanessa Addison is deaf. It did not stop her from investing in a property she felt would be successful. It became a success, and it led her to buying more properties in the area. The property is not for business buildings or apartments, but for houses. So far she owns 40 plots, but she's not stopping there, always looking for more to buy. It is not in USA, but in United Kingdom. The name of her business is Green Bee Homes.   -- deaf adopting a deaf dog without an interpreter A dog shelter in Colorado had a deaf puppy that no one wanted to adopt. It was shown on TV. A deaf man, watching the program, wanted to adopt the dog. He went to the shelter without an interpreter. With notes written back and forth, he was able to bring home this adopted deaf puppy!   New feature - latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" (one new job yesterday & 3 new jobs today)   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   6/14/15 Blue and Gold editions at:      

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