DeafDigest - 16 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 16, 2020 -- The lucky Deaf West The Deaf West Theatre operates on a $300,000 per year budget. The Pandemic forced cancellation of their plays this year, forcing the management to refund in full the tickets the patrons bought in advance. Much to the management's surprise approximately 35 percent of these patrons donated the refunds to the Deaf West treasury!   -- simple advice from a job coach A job coach that helps the deaf adjust to their new jobs gave this advice for hearing employers - just use simple English in their job training manuals. Just avoid shop lingo in the manuals.   -- CSL may have helped development of hearing language A topic that fascinates linguists is the development of human spoken (and written) language - way back in these Cave Men days. It was suggested that CSL may have helped speed up the development of the world's many, many languages. CSD? It is Cavemen Sign Language.   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/14/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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