DeafDigest - 16 March 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 16, 2016 -- deaf-owned business ranked in the top 1 percent DeafDigest mentioned a while ago that a new deaf-owned business proposes to upstage its competitors in the weight training field. Gripbell is currently ranked among top one percent as compared to hearing run start-ups. What is Gripbell? Look at the picture:     -- tale of Deaf Child Signs As mentioned in DeafDigest, Bowie, a town in Texas, refused to install Deaf Child Signs, saying there was no money for it whereas other nearby towns have these signs. To the rescue is the Bowie Rural Fire Department coming up with the money. In just few minutes these volunteer firemen took out their wallets and threw their money in a hat. Everyone is happy except the very embarrassed Bowie town council.     -- deaf jurors in demand in Detroit For years courts have avoided using the deaf as jurors. This barrier was not cracked until sometime in the late eighties. Now the city of Detroit have welcomed the deaf as jurors. They said the deaf readily accept jury duty whereas hearing people try to avoid it. Plus they're good a studying body language to see testimonies are truthful or just lies! This is just in Detroit; not sure if it runs true for other cities.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) 03/13/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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