DeafDigest - 16 March 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 16, 2018   -- woman with TV weather news is deaf Sarah Spivey is deaf (but functions as a hearing person). She talks about the weather with the KSAT-TV in San Antonio, TX. In an interview, she said: had trouble hearing since childhood While she functioned as a hearing person, she recently purchased a new hearing aid. A picture is at:   -- Nyle is angry Nyle is angry, for a good reason. Someone in social media made a comment that doubted Nyle's deafness, thinking he was a hearing person that was faking his deafness! Nyle responded with a sarcastic comment: so happy i don't look deaf   -- boxer not allowed because of deafness It is shocking that in some nations, deaf boxers are not allowed to box because of their deafness. It is happening in Burma (Myanmar). Nyaung Khar Shay, a 21-year old deaf man, wanted to become a professional boxer. The national boxing federation told him no because of his deafness! They said he must hear referee's commands and must hear the bell. These boxing officials are ignorant.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- tale of two deaf female astronomers 03/11/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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