DeafDigest - 16 May 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 16, 2012 - A big scandal among "deaf" teachers in India Six hundred hearing teachers obtained medical certificates of their "deafness". They did not want to be transferred to different school districts, wanting to teach in their own districts. The law in India only says hearing teachers can be transferred while deaf and disabled teachers can stay. As a result, all of these 600 "deaf" teachers were fired because of fraud!     - The Susan G. Komen Race and the deaf The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure organizers asked a group of interpreters for free interpreting services. Many interpreters refused - because the Komen group collected $400 million dollars in donations and race fees, but not a penny for interpreters!     - Biggest Loser won't apologize Margie Cummins, not deaf, won the 2012 British TV Biggest Loser contest. During one of these Biggest Loser TV shows, she laughed and insulted the deafness of contestant Selena Brown. When Selena was upset about it, Margie refused to apologize. She still refused when friends asked her to apologize! Why? Margie does not care.     - Deaf chefs cannot hear the frying pan We have several deaf chefs in USA that serve best meals. Do they have to hear to cook these great dishes? A hearing chef told a newspaper reporter that he listens for the popping sound of hot olive oil in the frying pan. When he hears it pop, he knows the pan is ready for frying. Hearing chefs cook better than our deaf chefs? No! Deaf Chefs use eyes; hearing chefs use ears - same results with great meals!     - You can buy a voice weather radio that alerts deaf Last week DeafDigest mentioned a NOAA voice weather radio that can help the deaf with alerting signal device. It was learned that Harris Communications sells this special radio. Do visit it at:   5/13/12 Blue edition at: 5/13/12 Gold edition at:

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