DeafDigest - 16 May 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 16, 2014   -- what many people didn't know about Ben Soukup, CSD retiring CEO? Ben Soukup is retiring as CEO of CSD after 38 years. His retirement is effective June 30th, and he will be replaced by his son Chris. There is a tale about Ben that not too many people are aware of. After leaving Gallaudet, he worked at a meatpacking plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. There were some deaf employees in that plant. The job was so tough and so tiring that all employees rotate for rest breaks. During these break moments, the deaf employees would debate on the best ways to help the deaf of South Dakota - employment, education, vocational rehab, etc. Ben was so inspired by these discussions that he went out and established CSD as a small town service agency. Possibly if not for Ben, CSD would not have existed! CSD, by the way, has moved to Austin, Texas.   -- North Korea's deaf thumbs-up sign Among the deaf of North Korea, there is a thumbs-up sign. It does not mean things are great; it is a sign for their Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un!   -- a surprising possible cause of Beethoven's deafness As we all know, Beethoven composed his best music after he became deaf and became a bitter man for the rest of his life. But what was the cause of his deafness? A group of researchers at University of Utah School of Medicine is saying it was cheap wine! He loved to drink wine and to compose music at same time. True or false? Some historians may agree; other historians may dissagree!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 05/11/14 Blue edition at: 05/11/14 Gold edition at:

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