DeafDigest - 16 May 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 16, 2016 -- what to do if no interpreter shows up What happens if a hospital calls for an interpreter, but the patient must be operated on ASAP, and if the doctor waits, it may be too late? It happened to a deaf woman, that needed an interpreter during child birth, but the operation must proceed or the baby would die. At the risk of a lawsuit, the doctor went on with the operation. The baby was saved and the mother was happy. A nurse saw it all, and came up with flash cards designed by his wife. A picture is at:   -- Wendy's becoming deaf-friendly Wendy's is angry with the minimum wage law. As a result, this hamburger chain will lay off human workers, and replace it with self-service kiosks in their restaurants. Does this make easier for deaf patrons to order their food instead of hassling with the human workers? We shall see.   -- selling carpets Two deaf women make carpets that are being sold to customers in Japan and Asia. This is interesting because these women - Saba and Sanaa (last names not known) live in a Syrian refugee camp in Turkey. A private agency has been helping these women with these sales. At this point it is not known if they are in business for themselves or if the private agency is pocketing the profits?   Latest deaf jobs:   Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf comic book   05/15/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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