DeafDigest - 16 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 16, 2016   -- Gallaudet University, Year 2100 What will Gallaudet University look like - in Year 2100? Look at:   -- reason Quebec says no to Deaf Uber drivers We have deaf Uber drivers all over USA, and even in Canada - except Quebec. Why not? Quebec says Uber (and taxi drivers) must be able to communicate fast with passengers, and if passengers whisper, must catch it fast. An example is - passenger quickly telling the driver - "oops, sorry, please make a quick left turn now." Good reason? No, because hearing passengers quickly tell hearing Uber drivers to make quick left turn now, and the hearing drivers will still miss it!   -- famous actress forces TV producers to hire interpreter Some deaf people have famous relatives that are TV and musical performers. And when these performers invite the deaf to their shows, they often do not realize interpreters and captions are needed. These deaf people accept the invitations and are stuck, being bored for few hours for that reason. Well, Yuki Saito, a famous performer in Japan, had a deaf grandfather. She invited him to come to watch her perform - and made sure an interpreter was provided, without being asked by the grandfather! Performers never think about it, but she did.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- criminal scene analyst 11/13/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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